Roof batten visual strength grading workshops and examinations

All our training and examinations are run on your site. 

Roof batten visual strength grading workshops and examinations range are run over one day.

Our approach is highly practical.

The costs for roof batten training workshops and examinations are:





Time on site

1 grader

£1199 + VAT

1 day

2 graders

£1350 + VAT

1 day

3 graders

£1550 + VAT

1 day

4 graders

£1750 + VAT

1 day



To become certificated, you will need to pass an examination.

Once you become a certificated visual grader you will need to be assessed every 12 months. CATG will come to your site to complete this assessment.

To become a visual strength grader please contact our office.

CATG welcomes all delegates for examination. Ideally, delegates shall have undergone training or work experience where they have:

Visually grade timber
Identified timber defects, measured, judged and rated them
Taken moisture readings
Identified species and their origin


Candidates for examinations will be from:

Training courses being run by training companies or by their employer
Individuals seeking re-examination
Employees sent by companies seeking examination

The required competences for graders are:

Select timber
Identify the species
Take moisture readings
Determine timber defects
Grade the timber successfully
Allocate a grade or fail the timber
Stamp the timber correctly
Store the timber safely without loss of quality
Stamp the timber
Record grading activities
Handle complaints and non-conforming products
Develop a factory production control/procedures manual for your grading activities


In summary

Scope of certification

Visual grader of roof battens

Job and task description:

Select and visually grade the timber, use a moisture meter, keep records and stamp timber


Select and handle timbers, grade timber, stamp timber, store grade timbers



Knowledge of timber and knowledge of the industry and end use of the timber products and the customer’s needs

Code of conduct:

Fully meet the requirements of the scheme and code of practice



To request a quote, or if you have any questions or require further details on any of our services, click the quote button below, or call us on 0044 (0) 1524 400632.

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